Tuesday, May 26, 2015

True story: Iran- one night in detention

We are being prepared for the great gathering of Iranians in Paris. In these days all Iranians I see are getting ready and trying their best for this meeting.

They try hard, work tireless and non- stop.

I can see young people, old people, men and women, even children that help…

One of them told me her story and how she got familiar with the Iranian movement.

She said:

“When I was 20, I was arrested by the Iranian security forces.

We were a group of women all between 20 and 25.

Our group was transferred to a dark place in that night. It was horrible. We could hear scream and baby cry.


I was scared. Suddenly a man came in and took me to another room and started to beat me up!

He slammed into my face, my back, my leg and my head.

I couldn’t believe why! 

After that another man came in and flogged me.

My feet were bleeding and I couldn’t move! 

I couldn’t even talk because of the pain…

In that night we were moved again and at last taken to a police station and forced to go to an unknown house.

I saw horrible scene there. Young girls had been beaten and raped. One of them had been hanged from rooftop for several hours!

It was a torture house called security house by the agents.

In that place I saw a pregnant woman. She was also beaten and tortured. I couldn’t believe my eyes!

An interrogator forced her to run on her bloody feet and don’t say anything. She just ran and cried… she had severe pain…

Two days later we were freed.

I don’t know why.

I just wanted to find a way to scape and leave the country because I was a student activist and could be arrested once again.



My uncle helped me to fly out and come to turkey and then here in Paris.


When I came I was alone. I couldn’t find a proper place to live in, but a young girl helped me. She was Sara, live here since she was 9. She taught me how to overcome all difficulties I had and took me to a group of young girl who was student activists in Iran.

I felt so happy with them. They treated me like their own sister.

Those young girls showed me how I can fight with this regime. They introduced me a movement that is against the Iranian regime and I found out that there is a real way to stay and fight and overthrow this tyrannical regime.


I am sure that one day my beautiful country will be free and I can see a free and democratic Iran.

I love Iran with my heart. 

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