Monday, June 8, 2015

US Congressman Patrick Kennedy Supports the Iranian Opposition Major Gathering in Paris

Former US Congressman Patrick Kennedy discusses Iran nuclear negotiations insisting that it should lead to the toppling of the theocratic dictatorship in Tehran replacing it by the Iranian alternative led by Maryam Rajavi . Mr. Kennedy was speaking to Simay-e Azadi, Iranian Resistance National Television ahead of the major gathering of the Iranian opposition in Paris on June 13.

He said: The West’s nuclear deal must be ’airtight’ and include snap inspections and complete oversight of the regime’s facilities, Kennedy said.
He said: 'What makes this year’s gathering in Paris so important is certainly the timing. Two weeks before the final meetings regarding the future of Iran’s nuclear agreement.
'This is an opportunity for world leaders to articulate what that agreement ought to be and to influence the outcome of that agreement by really clarifying some key important provisions that need to be in that agreement. Those provisions that would eliminate the possibility of Tehran to continue to perpetrate their lives.
'This agreement needs to be air tight with the kind of snap inspections and complete oversight of the country’s facilities irrespective of where they’re able to do that this agreement needs to also understand who the world community is negotiating with.'
The annual event was also an opportunity for people to also condemn the horror, the human rights abuses and the history of violence of this ’tyrannical regime in Tehran’, and how it has exported terrorism around the world, Mr. Kennedy said.
He added: 'And finally this meeting is a chance for the world community to see the organized presence of an opposition group that is ready to fill the vacuum if the people in Iran choose to move past this period of Iranian history where it was run by these theocratic Mullahs and replace that period with a brighter future being led by people like Madam Maryam Rajavi and the democratic opposition of the PMOI.
'This is why this meeting is so important, to frame the current public policy, to remind people about the history of the regime currently in power and their record of abuse and to point to a future that all Iranians can aspire to where we move forward and allow people to live free of the kind of oppression and dictatorship and human rights abuses that they have had to suffer with over the last many decades.'

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